Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Prayer for a friend

Apr-18-2008. A very unfortunate and sad day for us. The day when all our prayers went unanswered. The day of demise of our beloved friend, Krishna Prasad. It was on a Vishu that unfortunate accident occurred taking a cheerful and brilliant soul with it.

When he was taken from Palana hospital to Jubilee Mission hospital, with just a bandage around his head, who would have known it was the last time to see him alive. Three days of waiting outside the hospital corridors hoping prayers would save him dimmed as our friend failed to wake from comatose.

The entire batch of 2004-08 of our college was unfortunate to witness six valuable lives succumb to death. In loving and fond memories of their souls :

Waiting outside praying,
instilling great hopes within,
he would turn up smiling,
poking fun at our wet eyes.
Dawn to dusk we sat
in those dilapidated benches,
watching him through the glass,
entangled in tubes and monitors around.
Prayers of parents,
nor ours,
could stop the doctors say,
‘Sorry , he is no more’.
How death entered?
breaching our mortal cordon
and hopeful eyes,
to steal his divine soul.
How could death,
comply our recusant friend,
to take to the cryptic world;
amidst us he had enough fun.
When he lay unmoved,
It  failed us conspiring,
stripping him off the surreal,
and pushing us into an ordeal.
The reek of death,
was spreading around;
in the bier - under the floral tributes,
he left us in destitute.
Draped in the shroud,
revealing only the visage;
who will rescue him from Its cage?
Pulling the hearse,
Never did anything more fierce,
smothering beneath the smouldering wreath,
only memories bequeath;
consigning him to the flames,
is there anyone we could blame?
The fainting cries,
and our helpless eyes,
could do nothing, but pray,
‘may You always be in peace’.

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